Neighborhood Watch

Front porch lights and lamp post lights must be on every night from dusk til dawn
If you see a crime being committed, call 911 immediately and be prepared to give them the following information:
- Nature of the Emergency
- Location, address, street intersection, etc.
- A call back number and your name
- Stay on the line until told to hang up
If you see something going on in the neighborhood that isn’t quite right or normal call the Sheriff’s Non-Emergency Number: 330-643-2181 and be prepared to give them the following information:
- Nature of the Emergency
- Location, address, street intersection, etc.
- A call back number and your name
- Stay on the line until told to hang up
If you aren’t sure, MAKE THE CALL, let the professionals decide!
In both of these cases, once you have notified the authorities, call a Trustee and advise them of what has transpired. In some cases, video footage may be available from our security cameras and can be handed over if a police report has been filed.
Non-emergency Numbers
Summit County Sheriff
Fire Department
Safety Tips
- Shut your garage door when you are not in it or near it
- Put timers on several lights in your house (change time settings periodically)
- Lock any side doors that are entries to your garage plus lock the doors that are entries from your garage to your house
- Replace the light by your rear entrance with a motion detector light.
- If you like fresh air in the summer, close your windows when you leave your house
- Use caution when backing out of your driveway
- Don’t use the Elmhurst Circle and Stratford Green straightaways as drag strips: the speed limit is only 15 mph